Integrative Oncology

The present paradigm of integrative oncology revolves around viewing cancer as a metabolic disorder.

Contrary to regarding cancer as mere chance or a condition primarily afflicting the elderly, integrative oncology addresses it comprehensively. It can be triggered by our dietary and lifestyle practices, which consequently affect our gene expression.

Research consistently indicates that only a small fraction, approximately 5-10 percent, of cancer cases stem from genetic mutations. The bulk, encompassing 90-95 percent, is attributable to unhealthy dietary habits and lifestyles that impair mitochondrial function. Through epigenetics, we possess the capability to modulate gene expression and mitochondrial performance via dietary choices, lifestyle modifications, and mindset.

Whether the goal is cancer prevention, management of a recent diagnosis, or navigating remission, it is imperative to scrutinize factors that may have contributed to its onset. By identifying and prioritizing potential catalysts of the cancer process, one gains the ability to intervene in the progression of this deadly disease. Cancer, or concerns about it, can be viewed as a messenger prompting an exploration of lifestyle imbalances. Subsequently, the decision to initiate change lies within the individual's discretion. 

Dr. N. Winters and her colleagues have identified ten key elements of a person's “terrain”, the Terrain Ten™, that require optimization in order to successfully prevent and manage cancer.

The Terrain Ten™ includes:

  1. Genetic, epigenetic, and nutrigenomic modifications

  2. Blood sugar balance

  3. Toxic burden management

  4. Repopulating and balancing the microbiome

  5. Immune system maximization

  6. Modulating inflammation and oxidative stress

  7. Enhancing blood circulation while inhibiting angiogenesis and metastasis

  8. Establishing hormone balance

  9. Recalibrating stress levels and biorhythms

  10. Enhancing mental and emotional well-being

The Terrain Ten provides a means to pinpoint areas where your bodily and life elements might be imbalanced. Its purpose is to highlight aspects of your health and lifestyle that may require attention, while also distinguishing between those you can influence and those beyond your control. It's important to recognize that addressing any of these ten areas can substantially improve your body's capacity to respond to conventional therapies, diminish treatment side effects, and bolster your overall strength, thereby aiding in cancer prevention.